Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Frame Every Failure With Success

I just returned from a women's conference where I was challenged by these words, "Frame every failure with success."  As I sat there and pondered over my life  I could certainly list many times in my life where I had failed.  What I suddenly realized was that for every failure I could remember, there was a corresponding link to success.  What makes success sweet is the bitterness of failure.

The question remained how do I frame failure with success?  I've been pondering this question for the past three days and this what I have surmised:

1) Keep Moving - Don't allow your failure to paralyze you.
2) Stay Focused - Don't allow your failure to derail you.
3) Glean the Lessons - Learn from your past mistakes and allow them to inform you.
4) Remain Optimistic - Don't allow your past mistakes to define you.
5) Pass on the Wisdom - Share lessons, wisdom and insight to those coming behind you.

I'm sure there is more that I will discover as I move through life and consider this thought.  The frame that we choose to place around a painting will often determine the beauty of the painting.  Even a cheap picture can be ungraded to a beautiful piece of art when it's placed in the right frame.

Dr. Toni
"Failure is not final..... It depends on how you frame it!"

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Welcome to Coaching Moments with Dr. Toni

Life is a series of moments. There are moments when we experience joy and sorrow, challenge and opportunity, success and failure, victory and defeat.  How we navigate through the moments of our lives will often determine the level of our success and impact.

We often need significant relationships to aid us in moments of intense decision making, transition and change.  It is in those times when a coach can come alongside us to ask powerful questions that will lead us to greater understanding of life experiences and clarity concerning our moments.

I'm excited about sharing coaching moments from my life experiences in hopes of helping you make sense of your moments!


Dr. Toni
"You are powerful beyond measure when you live your life on purpose."