Monday, March 25, 2013

Overcoming Fear

David Shapiro and David Lieder in the book Repacking Your Bags, suggest that fear is the most common emotion that people are walking around with every day.  It is such a common emotion that many people have learned to function with it and never challenge the basis of their fears.  Fear is such a strong emotion that people would rather stay in situations that are non-production rather than pursue the blessings that lie beyond the borders of their fears.

Fear blinds us to life’s possibilities. Fear limits us and keeps us living within the status quo.  When examined closely we often discover that the things and events we fear will simply never happen.  Yet, because of the fear that we allow to shape our realities we often forfeit our dreams and passions and settle for a nominal existence and non-resistant path.

The Bible gives us a prescription for fear and challenges us to overcome fearful thoughts, behaviors and attitudes.  The fear that the Bible speaks of is a healthy fear and reverence for God and life.  The type of fear that paralyzes us and keeps us from being our best self is simply not the way God intends for us to live our lives.  “The spirit that God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7.

God bless you and have a fearless week!

Dr. Toni