Friday, June 28, 2013

The Best Is Yet To Come!

This year has been an amazing year for me!  Last month, I celebrated my 50th Birthday with a cadre of family and friends who gathered in an elegant evening gala to celebrate with me. There’s something about my 50th Birthday that is so surreal to me.  In fact I may not get 50 more years to fulfill my purpose and destiny.  Crossing this threshold of life inspires me to go after all of my dreams with the most passion and vigor I can muster up.

Looking back over my life, I’ve crossed major milestones and overcome many hurdles.  I have traveled many miles and gained a considerable amount of accolades.  I’ve been married 20 years to my best friend, Johnathan Alvarado and together we have grown in marriage, ministry and family.  I consider being married to him and being the mother of our three (now teenage) children one of my greatest accomplishments! 

I’ve grown academically and professionally having earned five degrees and three professional certifications.  I’ve had the opportunity to travel, teach and preach both nationally and internationally and develop women through the medium of coaching and mentoring. With all that I have accomplished, I am still growing, learning, and reaching toward a greater purpose. 

Some people ask me, “What’s next?”  “How do you do it all?”  My reply, “I don’t know, but I know that as long as I’m still alive, there is more that God wants to produce out of my life.”  With all that I have accomplished, there’s been struggle, pain, disappointment, moments of sadness, failure, frustration and times where I felt like giving up. 

But, I must say, that for every difficult moment, there’s been a greater or equal amount of joy, laughter, hope, victory, success and the Best Is Yet To Come!


Dr. Toni

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Reason to Celebrate & Give!

Mere words cannot express the excitement I have about the MSK Foundation and the success we have achieved in empowering women!  We ended our program year celebrating the entire month of May, beginning with our Annual Yolonda & Raven Johnson Mother's Day Dinner at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Egleston Hospital. The joy of putting a smile on the faces of mothers and families whose child is hospitalized on Mother's Day is worth all of the efforts it takes to bring this outreach event to our local community.

On May 19th, MSK graduated it's 6th Leadership and Life Coaching Program Focus Group with a fabulous celebration and awards ceremony.  We were empowered and motivated to reach higher as we laughed, cried and listened to the reflections of our graduates and the inspiring message of our keynote speaker, Mrs. Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Esq.  

Finally, I am eternally grateful for all the birthdays wishes, greetings and support we received in celebration of my 50th Birthday and Fundraiser Gala for My Sister's Keeper Foundation for Women! I was overwhelmed by the presence of family, friends, colleagues and women in the MSK Community!

I invite you to join my dream of empowering women by becoming a regular supporter of MSK Foundation.  You can do so by visiting our website subscribing to our monthly newsletter and donating a gift to assist us with our life changing programming.  Thank you for celebrating this milestone year of my life with me and giving to empower women through MSK Foundation!


Dr. Toni G. Alvarado, CEO/Lead Coach
MSK Foundation for Women
"Moving Women from Average to Excellence"

MSK 2013 Graduate Brooklyn Goodall & Dr. Toni G. Alvarado
at the 50th Birthday Gala & Fundraiser for MSK Foundation For Women