Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Take The Challenge!

Last week my trainer challenged the fitness camp to join her in doing 500 crunches a day for seven days.  At the moment I heard the challenge something went off in me that said, “Take the challenge!”   
I joined with my fellow campers in doing 200 crunches that day and later completed 300 crunches, totaling 500 crunches before going to bed.  When I woke the next morning, I was still hearing, “Take the Challenge”.  All that day I was hearing, “Take the challenge.” What is it about this phrase that is so intriguing to me? 
The word “challenge” is defined as a call or summons to engage in any contest as of skill or strength.  A challenge is something that by it’s nature or character serves as a call to battle, contest or special effort.   When something is being challenged it serves to prove the genuineness, strength or authenticity of the thing that is being challenged.
Spiritually when I think of taking a challenge I am reminded of Jesus and how he challenged people.  Jesus would often challenge people to go beyond the status quo, to do something that would go against the prevailing thought or custom of the day, or go beyond the limitations that have been set for them. 
The challenges Jesus gave were designed to increase the individual’s character, physical ability or spiritual integrity.  Jesus challenged the rich young ruler to sell all that he had and give to the poor (Mark 10).  He challenged the man at the pool of Bethsaida to pick up his bed and walk (John 5).  When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well of Samaria he challenged her to life of authentic worship (John 4).  In each case, a challenge came to bring out the best life that these men and woman could live.

I’m on the 6th day of doing 500 crunches a day and it’s not been easy.   But with a little special effort I believe I can make it one more day. Whether your challenge is work related, relational, spiritual, or physical it is designed to make you better. Remember a challenge is a battle, contest, summons an upward call that builds your skills, increases your strength and improves your ability.

Look whatever challenge you are facing this week head on and “Take the Challenge!”
Have a blessed week.....
Dr. Toni

Monday, August 20, 2012

Embracing Change

One of the leadership books that inspired me last year was Scott Wilson’s Steering Through Chaos: Mapping a Clear Direction for Your Church In The Midst of Transition and Change.  I was so inspired by this book that it actually got me excited about something that at one time would make me cringe whenever I saw it coming and that is, Change.

Here are some lessons taken from this book that can help you as you embrace the changes that are necessary for your life :
  • Continually refreshing your vision reduces frustration and keeps the goals of change in front of you.
  • Communicating your vision for change invites others to help you and creates a wave of enthusiasm about change.
  •   Connecting with coaches, mentors, spiritual advisors and communities helps to navigate the waters of change and maintain healthy perspectives and responses to change.
  • Celebrating transforms our perspective, strengthens our resolve and produces tenacity to conquer doubts and fears about change.
Wilson states “It is possible to thrive in the midst of change.  To do so, you’ll need to have a clear vision of God’s calling, excellent communication, relationships of affirmation and authenticity, and tenacity.”

While the context of this book is about church leadership, the principles found within are transferrable to any area of life, work, personal growth and development. Change can be challenging but with the right approach and strategies you can Embrace Change.

Dr. Toni

Friday, August 3, 2012

It’s Mind Over Matter

A few days ago I was sitting at my desk thinking about that morning’s workout at Tadda’s Fitness Camp.  It was truly a challenging workout: jog, jump, sprint!  I can still hear Tasha encouraging us to do our best as we endured a strenuous exercise routine in the heat.  At one point, I began thinking, “This is too much!” I didn’t think I could meet the challenge of a drill that spans the length and width of the entire parking lot 2 ½ times. “Really Tasha?” 
However, before these negative thoughts could dominate my mind, I started reciting passages of scripture that encouraged me to think positively about the exercise routine.  I began thinking about the benefits of exercise and the results I was experiencing. I began to view the workout as a necessary component to my health and fitness goals.  Before long, I began to notice a direct correlation between my thought patterns and my ability to accomplish the task at hand. 
So many times we set out to accomplish something difficult and immediately negative thoughts will take over and cause us to quit.  Whether it is exercise, eating right, accomplishing a task related to work or school, how we think really affects our ability to reach our goals and dreams.  While today’s workout was difficult and challenging, at the end of the day, we met the challenge.  We gave it our all.  We covered the parking lot 2 ½ times.  Go Orange Team!
I leave you with this passage for your meditation this week, “Begin to think on the Word or begin to sing a praise song to God. Make a conscious effort to fill your mind with good, pure, wholesome, and lovely thoughts (Philippians 4:8 Amp. Version). What ever challenge you may face this week, remember it’s ‘Mind Over Matter’ and you can meet every challenge.

Dr. Toni