Thursday, November 27, 2014

Enjoy a Healthy Holiday Season!

Healthy Holiday Eating        
By Janet S.Young, Ph.D.

The holidays are upon us, and you know what that means—food, food and more food!  How can you keep from losing control at the holiday table?  How do you stand firm in your convictions when challenged by family and friends who may not share your commitment to better health and nutrition? 

First of all, remember the basics of good nutrition:

Increase fresh fruits and vegetables:
o   aim for at least 5 servings/day
o   select produce that is local, in season, and organic

Add more 100% whole grains, beans and legumes

Practice portion control (pay attention to per serving size)

Avoid  foods that contain:
o   high fructose corn syrup
o   hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oil
o   sodium (including nitrites, nitrates, & MSG)
o   sugar & sugar substitutes
o   additives, dyes, preservatives

Decrease/avoid the following:
o   animal protein
o   caffeinated drinks and other stimulants (including sports/energy drinks)
o   alcohol

To facilitate good digestion:
o   Sit down, eat slowly and chew food well (20-30 times)
o   Don’t drink liquids with your meal; drink liquids either 30 minutes before or one hour after meals
o   Practice proper Food Combining or follow the Blood Type Diet*

Eating out doesn’t have to be a challenge, whether you’re at a holiday party or a restaurant:

If possible, eat a healthy snack or drink a large glass of water before going out

Maintain control by asking for what you want/need

Practice portion control or choose a smaller plate

Fill plate with at least 2/3 vegetables, fruit, grains and beans and 1/3 or less of animal protein (see OR Harvard Healthy Eating Plate)

Eat slowly and chew food well (20-30 times)

Avoid fried, salty and greasy foods

Beware of high sodium/high fat salad dressing and order your dressing on the side

Choose tomato base sauces over cream sauces

Share dessert

STOP eating when you feel full

Take home the excess in a “to-go” box -You’re still getting your money’s worth!!

Lastly, to combat the stress of the holidays and avoid cold and flu bugs:

Strengthen your immune system, and increase your energy and stamina, by adding Super Foods such as: milled flaxseed*, raw wheat germ, bee pollen, and sea vegetables

Also add Power Foods such as: açai berry, blueberries, strawberries, pineapples, papaya, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, brown rice, whole grain pasta, oatmeal, cold water seafood, yogurt (unsweetened and with live, active cultures), garlic, broccoli, beans, nuts and seeds, herbs/spices, ginger, onion, cayenne, thyme, lemons, and green tea

Drink Genesis by Symmetry*

Take Vitamin C supplements

Drink more water

Exercise at least 3 times/week

Sleep 7-8 hours/night

*Available from Dr. Janet. To purchase or schedule services, contact her at:, or visit

Enjoy a Healthy Holiday Season!

Dr. Toni


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Greatest Tragedy In Life Is A Life Without Purpose ~ A Tribute to Dr. Myles & Lady Ruth Munroe

“The Greatest Tragedy in Life is Not Death, But a Life Without Purpose.” ~ Dr. Myles Munroe

It’s been almost two weeks since the world was shocked by the tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of Dr. Myles & Lady Ruth Munroe along with seven other members of their church, family, leadership team and aircraft crew.  The news of this tragedy quickly filled up social media and other media outlets, while many began making phone calls and text messaging family and friends in utter disbelief that something this tragic could happen to people who appeared almost invincible. As I sat for many hours trying to wrap my brain around this tragic event, I was comforted in my assurance that this man and woman lived a life of purpose.

Dr. Myles Munroe was a game changer. He shifted our understanding of creation helping us to understand that our lives have meaning and significance. I can remember the first time I heard him speak live. His words filled the room. I listened intently to his message on purpose and connected to this truth in ways that changed my life forever. My entire life is a testimony of the sovereign power of God and the courage to discover my life purpose and destiny.

Quoting Dr. Munroe many times in my sermons, workshops and writings on purpose and destiny, his sudden death makes me aware of how much his teaching has influenced my life’s work and ministry. In fact, it was the revelation that I received from his teaching on purpose that became the inspiration for my first book, Run and Not Be Weary: The Pursuit of Purpose and Destiny.  In it, I offer some spiritual and practical truths in an effort to illuminate a pathway for those who dare to make the journey toward purpose and destiny.  

One truth and principle that we all must embrace wholeheartedly, is that God has a definite plan for our lives.  This is a comforting notion, but the chilling reality is that it is our job to search it out, unearth the hidden treasures that God has placed inside of us, doing the necessary work in maintaining, developing, and maximizing our unique potential. 

One of my favorite quotes by Dr. Myles Munroe is “The richest place on the planet is the cemetery.” He posits, so many people die with untapped potential and unrealized dreams and passion residing inside of them. He encouraged us to “die empty”, meaning we must live a life of purpose and leave a legacy in the earth for the next generation to follow and build upon.

Listening to videos of some of his last messages, interviews and candid conversations, it seemed that he was giving his closing remarks. He began to go beyond the borders of living a single life of purpose, encouraging leaders to mentor others in such a way that those who follow have the ability to continue the vision in the absence of the leader or in the event of a tragedy, or in the untimely death of the leader. He stated, “Success is not success without a successor” and “If your vision dies with you, you have failed as a leader.”

My tribute is to live my life in a manner that when I die, it will cause for a celebration of the marriage and family that I enjoyed, the lives that I inspired, the women and men that I empowered, the children that I nurtured, the books that I authored, the songs that I sang, the sermons that I preached, the people that I coached and mentored, the legacy that I built, and the life that I Lived On Purpose!

Rest In Peace Dr. Myles & Lady Ruth Munroe, while I did not know you personally, I am counted among the millions of people that your lives touched.

Dr. Toni G. Alvarado