Friday, August 3, 2012

It’s Mind Over Matter

A few days ago I was sitting at my desk thinking about that morning’s workout at Tadda’s Fitness Camp.  It was truly a challenging workout: jog, jump, sprint!  I can still hear Tasha encouraging us to do our best as we endured a strenuous exercise routine in the heat.  At one point, I began thinking, “This is too much!” I didn’t think I could meet the challenge of a drill that spans the length and width of the entire parking lot 2 ½ times. “Really Tasha?” 
However, before these negative thoughts could dominate my mind, I started reciting passages of scripture that encouraged me to think positively about the exercise routine.  I began thinking about the benefits of exercise and the results I was experiencing. I began to view the workout as a necessary component to my health and fitness goals.  Before long, I began to notice a direct correlation between my thought patterns and my ability to accomplish the task at hand. 
So many times we set out to accomplish something difficult and immediately negative thoughts will take over and cause us to quit.  Whether it is exercise, eating right, accomplishing a task related to work or school, how we think really affects our ability to reach our goals and dreams.  While today’s workout was difficult and challenging, at the end of the day, we met the challenge.  We gave it our all.  We covered the parking lot 2 ½ times.  Go Orange Team!
I leave you with this passage for your meditation this week, “Begin to think on the Word or begin to sing a praise song to God. Make a conscious effort to fill your mind with good, pure, wholesome, and lovely thoughts (Philippians 4:8 Amp. Version). What ever challenge you may face this week, remember it’s ‘Mind Over Matter’ and you can meet every challenge.

Dr. Toni


  1. Pastor you are so right. Everyday since my friends and I decided to walk the whole 5 mile walk around Stone Mtn 3 days a week, I'm flooded with excuses for backing out. But remembering my goals, rejoicing in the scenery, and praying my way up those hills encourages me to continue on toward the prize. Thanks for the reminder

  2. I can read or hear about the importance of positive thinking every day, but there is no place as in fitness does it speak the loudest to me. It is in physically training the body, the mind is discipline to think on the right things. If you tell your body, you can finish the race, it will. Likewise, when we, as Christians, train our bodies and mind for God, the Holy Spirit can effectively work in our lives as He should. Thank you for such an encouraging post.

  3. Thanks so much for the encouragement about mind of matter. It helped me to start thinking off track. But I'm back. Thanks again!
